Words on Worship

We worship a holy God

Posted by Charles Billingsley on

God Almighty is the embodiment of holiness itself. Think of the most perfect thing you have ever seen…and He is more perfect than that.  His character is the very essence of righteousness, flawlessness, purity and love.  He has never had a thought that was wrong or motive that was questionable.  He was never created, rather He has always been.  He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omni-present.  There is nothing He cannot see, nothing He cannot overcome, nothing He cannot do, nothing He has not created, and nothing He cannot defeat. He is great and awesome, worthy, mighty, excellent, incredible, indescribable and infallible…but His most...

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Worship the one and only Jesus

Posted by Charles Billingsley on

Since before the dawn of time, Jesus was there.  He was there when the Father slung the stars into space and lit the sun with just a spoken word.  Jesus was there when God breathed life into Adam, delivered his people through Moses, and rescued them again through Joseph.  Jesus was there to give boldness to Jeremiah, strength to Samson, and protection to Ezra.  And then, Jesus was there...walking among us.  Fully God and fully man, on a mission to seek and to save those who were lost.  He endured the cross.  But three days later, He rose again.  And now, He is here.  Always has been.  Always will be.  He...

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Let your worship revolve around the Son

Posted by Charles Billingsley on

I was reading an article the other day about how chaotic our universe would be if the planets of our solar system did not revolve around the sun.  We certainly wouldn't be alive long or even have a chance at sustained life.  But because the earth revolves around the sun at just the right speed and just the right distance, we have seasons and we can actually breathe and not burn.   Did you know that over 25% of the American population believes the sun revolves around the earth?  Now what does that have to do with worship?  Well, our worship should revolve around another...

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What is your purpose for living?

Posted by Charles Billingsley on

One of the great tragedies in our present day culture is the utter failure of so many millions of people ever to discover the reason they were born. So many people suffer from a feeling of purposelessness.  We need to remember that God never does anything without a purpose.  And His purpose in creating us is so that we would worship Him and fellowship with Him. His plan was a perfect one. Then sin messed it all up.  But even though sin has blurred the minds of so many people throughout history, it doesn't mean that our purpose for existing has changed.  God still...

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Is your worship on automatic?

Posted by Charles Billingsley on

I love sweet tea.  But just as much as I love sweet tea…I can't stand unsweetened tea.  The difference, of course, is the sugar.  But have you ever poured sugar into your tea and forgotten to stir it up?  Technically, it IS sweet tea.  But experientially, it is NOT sweet. And so it is with our lives of worship.  We have been given that greatest gift imaginable…salvation!  But just like that sugar will settle at the bottom of the glass of tea if we don't stir it, if we don't continually grow closer to Jesus, we will become apathetic and complacent in our love for Him.  Paul uses...

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