Released - April 10, 2020
We all have a purpose. God has a plan for each one of us. And, as long as there is breath in your body, you still have time to pursue that purpose. What has God placed in your heart to do with your life? What dream is there still burning within you that you haven’t chased after? What can you do today to better serve others, love others, and honor God? Is there a fresh vision in your life that drives you to jump out of bed each morning? There can be! There should be! Seek the Lord and find it. He wants what’s best for you even more than you do. Place Jesus at the center of your life and then rise up and go for it.
Maybe God wants to use you to change the world. We live in a fragile world. But when you stand firm on what you believe, trust the spirit of God to guide you, and worship the King of Glory in all things, you will discover He can and will use you to make an impact for His kingdom. Ladies, be the woman of God you are meant to be. Men, be who God wants you to be. Play the man! You were created for His glory. You were made for this!
Songs Include:
- I Was Made for This
- Kyrie
- Rise Up
- Center of It All
- Sing for My Soul
- Play the Man
- Fragile
- Painted Skies
- King of Glory
- Where You're Supposed to Be
- Spirit of God
- We Believe