Worship between the now and then

Posted by Charles Billingsley on

In Ephesians 5:16 Paul encourages his fellow servants of Christ to “redeem the time by walking wisely.”  There is a well-known poem called “The Dash.”  It is a poem that was written in reference to the dash we see on tombstones between someone’s birth date and the date of death.  The whole point is that none of us can control the date of our birth or the date of our death. Those dates are in the hands of God Almighty.  However, God has granted us total control over everything we do in that dash. He has given us a will, a mind, and a body in which He calls us to glorify Him.  But, we are prone to make selfish choices and end up wasting much of that dash.  But we worship a loving and patient God. So redeem your time today and make it count for His glory. 

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