Worship that Fumigates

Posted by Charles Billingsley on

Body odor is a bad thing.  That’s why the shelves in department stores and drug stores are lined with deodorants, perfumes, colognes, and body sprays. We pay lots of money each year to make sure we smell good to others. But, what about our spirit? How do we smell spiritually? You can always tell the Christians who spend a lot of time with Jesus.  They simply smell better. There is a sweet fragrance that is emitted from us when we have been in the presence of the Savior.  Paul refers to this as the fragrance of Christ in 2 Corinthians.  We all emit a scent that either repels or attracts.  But for believers, our fragrance should be one that attracts others to Jesus.  This sweet aroma breaks apart the strongholds of pride and the hardest of hearts.

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