When God called Moses to deliver His people from slavery in Egypt, Moses gave a typical response. "Me? I don't think I’m up to this task. Isn't there someone else?" God promised Moses His presence would be with Him. But Moses wanted something more, something tangible. Now fast forward to Mt. Sinai. Moses has delivered the people from Egypt and he is up on that mountain receiving God's handwritten ten commandments. Down below the people have rebelled and the Lord is furious! But Moses intercedes on their behalf and God decides to spare the people with one exception. His presence will no longer accompany them in the wilderness. To which Moses replies: "If your presence will not go with us, do not send us up from here." Isn't it interesting that early on, Moses had to have something in addition to God's presence in order to have the faith to move, but now, all that matters to Moses is to be in the presence of God. Nothing else. If you and I could ever get to that point in our walk with God, there is no telling how He would use us to change the world.
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