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What is the purpose of worship?

Posted by Charles Billingsley on

We all worship something or someone. I believe it is safe to say we worship that which we live for.  And we live for that which we worship. We are created beings and have a natural inclination, a built-in desire to worship something or someone.  The problem is, many of us get that confused and end up worshiping a creation of some sort rather that the Creator Himself.  But the purpose of worship is so you and I can fulfill our purpose in life.  We were created to worship God.  We were made to live for Him and enjoy Him forever.  He deserves it.  He is the giver of life.  And yet, even though God should be the object of our worship, somehow, some way He takes our worship and turns it into a blessing to us.  So, the purpose of our worship is to honor and bless the Lord.  But, the result of worship is that He, in turn, blesses us.  Isn't that just like God?  Always giving.

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