A.W. Tozer said, "The impulse to worship God originates with God, but the outworking of that impulse is our following hard after Him." Isn't it interesting that worshiping God is made possible for us by God? Worship is for us, but it's to Him. This is our position in Christ…that we worship Him alone as a gift from Him alone. Worship also requires preparation on our part, personally and corporately. Personal worship prepares us for corporate worship, and corporate worship prepares us for personal worship. In other words, the time we spend with Jesus during the week will have a direct impact on how we respond to His presence on Sunday morning at church. So worship happens when our hearts are prepared to be in His presence. And the only way we can get there is to approach Him with the innocent candor of a child…empty handed, humble, and with eyes and heart wide open.
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