I just returned from Italy not long ago. One thing I appreciate about the Italian culture is the value they place on quality time spent with family. Much of that time is spent around the dinner table. It is quite common for families in Italy to spend 2-3 hours at dinner together each night. This inspires me to spend more time with my family around the table. To set aside a time each day when we can laugh, learn, love and lean on one another. As Christians, this is a wonderful and honoring way we can worship our Savior. For it honors God when families pray together and stay together. Imagine a night around your home that is unplugged for just 3 hours, and real communication with each other takes the place of electronics communicating to us. Ronald Reagan once said, "All great change in America begins at the dinner table." I do believe he was right. Try it. It might change your family forever.
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