Many of you work incredibly hard. And then, as a reprieve from your work, you play just as hard. While all of this can be fun and fulfilling, we also need to take a regular time…preferably one day a week, where we simply rest. The stress of life can wear us out quickly so it is good to sit down on a regular basis and just be still before the Lord. So if you are tired and weary today, maybe instead of planning a weekend full of activity, you should just rest…and settle your heart. A long time ago I recorded a song called “Settle Me Now”. To this day, the words of that chorus still speak to me: "Settle me now. Don't let me miss this moment, You've got so much to show me and I know I need You. Settle me now. Oh Lord, please draw me closer, let me feel Your presence. Reach beyond my doubt and fear somehow, and settle me now.”
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