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Worship the Lord in honest humility

Posted by Charles Billingsley on

In John 4, Jesus encounters the Samaritan woman at the well.  He is tired.  It's been a long journey, and He is passing through Samaria on His way back to Galilee.  He sits down at Jacob's well and asks this woman for a drink. Thus begins the conversation that eventually leads to her becoming a follower of Christ.  It is interesting that when Jesus begins to confront her in love about her lifestyle of sin that she changes the subject entirely.  Isn't that just like us? About the time we allow Christ to really get to the heart of the matter, we divert to some other distraction because He is getting a little too close to the reality of our spiritual condition.  Let me challenge you to let God do His work in you.  It might be a little uncomfortable, but it will change you forever!

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