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What does it mean to worship in spirit?

Posted by Charles Billingsley on

At Liberty University, we have almost 1300 worship majors.  These students come to us with a passion for worshiping God.  We want to add to that passion a theology and philosophy about worship that runs as deep as the passion itself.  In John 4, Jesus encounters the Samaritan woman at the well.  In this passage, the subject of worship comes up in the conversation.  Jesus tells the woman that God is a spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth. So what does it mean to worship in spirit?  It means we don't get caught up in things like places or traditions.  But rather, we stay passionate about the one true God.  We must stay concerned with spiritual realities instead of outward appearances.

Words on Worship is sponsored by Liberty University Online. Click here to find out more information.