Make worship your new normal

Posted by Charles Billingsley on

Not long ago, the wife of a friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer.  As I talked with him on the phone, he said, "I guess we are going to have to get used to a new normal around here."  That phrase struck me…a "new normal."  Perhaps as worshipers we could all get used to a new normal.  Can you imagine if the new normal for all Christians was a passionate pursuit of holiness?  How would the pursuit of holiness effect your daily decisions? What kinds of things would you give up?  What sort of things would you start doing? Or what would you stop doing?  Imagine where your walk would be with Christ after 5 consistent years of passionately following Him and seeking daily to live a holy lifestyle. That kind of normal is life changing for sure…and it will totally revive your soul.  

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