God Almighty is the embodiment of holiness itself. Think of the most perfect thing you have ever seen…and He is more perfect than that. His character is the very essence of righteousness, flawlessness, purity and love. He has never had a thought that was wrong or motive that was questionable. He was never created, rather He has always been. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omni-present. There is nothing He cannot see, nothing He cannot overcome, nothing He cannot do, nothing He has not created, and nothing He cannot defeat. He is great and awesome, worthy, mighty, excellent, incredible, indescribable and infallible…but His most significant attribute of all is…He is Holy. And right now, and for all eternity, the angels in glory chant unceasingly: “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty!” It is His holiness more than any other attribute that makes Him worthy of our praise.
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