I was reading an article the other day about how chaotic our universe would be if the planets of our solar system did not revolve around the sun. We certainly wouldn't be alive long or even have a chance at sustained life. But because the earth revolves around the sun at just the right speed and just the right distance, we have seasons and we can actually breathe and not burn. Did you know that over 25% of the American population believes the sun revolves around the earth? Now what does that have to do with worship? Well, our worship should revolve around another Son…not s.u.n., but S.O.N., the living Son of God. And just as the earth can't survive long without revolving around the burning sun, we won't be able to sustain a solid Christian life without staying close to Jesus…the risen Son. So let everything in your life revolve around Jesus. He never moves. He never changes. Draw near to Him today.
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