Worship while you play

Posted by Charles Billingsley on

Did you know you can worship The Lord while playing golf, or boating on the lake, or taking a walk in your neighborhood? Of course you can, because as you've heard me say many times, worship is simply you and I loving God.  So whether it is work or play or spending time with our loved ones, or even our enemies, for that matter, worship is displayed through the motivation of our heart, the actions of our body, and the thoughts in our mind.  If those are intact and bringing honor to God, then we can certainly worship Him as we participate in the lighter side of life...our hobbies or our games.  Just be careful, as our fun stuff can easily consume us.  Trust me, I have made that mistake before.  You may have heard it said before, "We worship our work, work at our play, and play at our worship.”  Have the spiritual discipline to keep all that balanced and in line, and you will discover that worship and play can coexist.   

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