As many of us are moving about preparing for some big summer activities and doing some much needed spring cleaning, I wanted to draw your attention to the need for some soul cleaning, as well. In Psalm 51, we find King David crying out to God in repentance over his affair with Bathsheba. The Message version of the Bible phrases the lament of David like this: "Give me grace, O God! Scrub away my guilt and soak out my sins in your laundry." What a beautiful picture of what repentance is, and what the sweet forgiveness of God does for us. It cleans us up! God's forgiveness gives us a clean bill of spiritual health. It gives us a fresh start and puts wind back into our sails. And here is the best part...it's free. So as you break out the soap to get that spring cleaning done, consider asking God to do the same thing to your soul so you can worship Him with a clean heart.
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