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Worshiping with humility

Posted by Charles Billingsley on

Philippians 2:5-11 is one of my favorite passages in the Bible.  Paul begins these verses by reminding us of the deliberate decision Jesus made to leave His throne in Heaven, renounce His privileges of deity, and dress down in human flesh in order to become a humble servant.  If ever there was a model for humility, Jesus is it.  So as we strive toward a lifestyle of worship, it would do us well to imitate Him as much as possible.  Obviously, we don't have a throne in heaven, but we do have a platform on this earth...no matter who we are.  Each one of us is in a position of influence with someone.  So practice humility.  Humble people look out windows instead of staring at mirrors.  Humble people recognize that a need seen is a task given.  Let's humble ourselves in the sight of God today and worship him in humility.  It may mean we renounce some of our privileges for the good of others.

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