When I was growing up in church, we used to sing a popular song called “We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise." But I never really considered what those words truly meant. A "sacrifice of praise" can come in a variety of different ways...most commonly, from our lips as we give thanks to His name. But a "sacrifice of praise" can also come from our wallets as we give, or our time as we serve, or our talents as we use them for God. In fact, the easiest sacrifice we can give to God is praise from our mouth and heart. This is commanded by God and should come naturally to us as His children. But if you want to take your worship of Him to another level, then offer sacrifice of praise to Him in ways that costs you something more. It's wonderfully fulfilling to sing loudly and raise our hands in a worship service, but it's also easy. However, it is much more sacrificial to open our wallets and give generously from our heart to His church, and to risk sacrificing our time in service to Him to the poor and needy. Consider today, how much more powerful your personal time of worship will be, when you are living a lifestyle of sacrificial praise.
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