Yesterday we celebrated Easter. Millions gathered around the world to worship the risen Savior. After three of the darkest days in history, Jesus Christ, the son of the living God, conquered sin, death, hell, and the grave in one glorious Sunday morning moment. He had foretold this moment to His disciples many times before, and now the moment was upon them and they couldn't believe it. But it wouldn't be long until they didn't just believe it; eventually they would give their own lives in defense of this great truth. The Greek word translated "resurrection" is anastasis, which means literally "to cause to stand up on one's feet again." It can mean a resurrection from physical death, or a recovery of spiritual truth. Jesus Christ physically rose from the dead. And because He did, He has given you and me the power to rise again spiritually…where once we were dead, we are made alive in Him! Worship the risen Savior today. He is the only hope we have both now and forever!
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