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Who or what do you worship

Posted by Charles Billingsley on

It's my boy Cooper's birthday today.  I remember him asking me one time, "Why does the economy need so much money?"  He asked me that after watching the news and seeing how much emphasis is placed on the world economy.  Although it is true that we need money to operate our business and pay our bills, we must be careful that is does not become our motivation for living. Jesus reminds us in Matthew 6 that we cannot serve God and money.  It is impossible to serve two masters.  And bear in mind, the god we serve is the god we worship.  So who or what do your serve today?  Much can be told about us by how we spend our money.  Are we good stewards of what He has provided for us?  Do we serve the master of our money?  Or is our money mastering us?  Choose you this day whom you will serve and whom you will worship.  My suggestion: Trust in the eternal God who will provide all your needs according the His riches in Glory.  

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