Psalm 1 says, "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful." The word blessed means happy. It is a reference to inward joy. In this verse the Psalmist is clearly telling us that if we want to have a joyful life, a life that worships God, then we cannot get caught up in the gravitational pull of sin. We must be careful not to walk into those traps that so easily beset us…whether it is a simple button on our computer, a remote in our hand, or a second glance in the wrong direction. Once you walk down that path, it gets more and more difficult to turn around, and eventually, as the Psalmist warns, we will take a seat among the scornful. So walk intentionally today with a lifestyle of worship. Reminds me of a song I wrote with Tommy Walker that said, "Everywhere I go, in everything I do, every step I take, help me live to worship you."
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