We were reminded yesterday of the 4-step process to revival that is laid out for us in 2 Chronicles 7:14. We must humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our sin. Today, just a word about step 2: praying. One of the most powerful ways we can worship the Lord is through prayer. It is when we pray that we humble ourselves enough to seek God's direction in our lives. But remember, prayer is a two-way conversation…it is us talking to God, but it is also God talking to us. Prayer is not just us making petition to God for the things we want and need, but it is also us praising God directly for who He is and what He's done. Prayer is us acknowledging our raw dependence on God. And, as my buddy Mark Batterson says, raw dependence is the raw material out of which God performs His greatest miracles. Worship the Lord through praying today.
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