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How can I present my body as a living sacrifice?

Posted by Charles Billingsley on

It almost sounds like a morbid thought, doesn't it?   A living sacrifice?  Yet that is the very phrase the Apostle Paul uses in Romans 12:1.  It is a reference back to the Old Testament days when sheep were sacrificed for the shepherds as an offering unto God.  But when Jesus came, it all turned upside down.  Now, the Shepherd had offered himself as a sacrifice for His sheep.  and the covenant of grace became reality.  So when Paul says we are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, he literally means we are to present all that we are, all that we have, and all we wish to be…our jobs, our future, our families, our goals, and our dreams…all of those things as an offering to God so that He might use us the way He chooses, that He might break us where we need to be broken, and that He would mold us into the worshipers He created us to be.  

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