Is your love life stagnant?

Posted by Charles Billingsley on

Yesterday we talked about the value of investing in others in order to avoid living a life that is bankrupt relationally.  But today, I want to remind you that it works the same way in our spiritual lives as well.  Do you ever feel just empty…spiritually?  Like your walk with God is slow, stagnant, or even non-existent? You love God, but you don't feel God working in your life?  True love is way more than just a feeling…it is a commitment.  Love never gives up, never looks back, and never turns its back.  So I implore you today to keep trusting steadily in God, and keep loving Him in all you do.  You may not see things clearly now, but one day soon the weather will clear, and the SON will shine brightly in your life again. 

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