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How Will You Manage Your Time This Year?

Posted by Charles Billingsley on

The greatest commodity we have in our lives is not money…it is time.  As we begin this new year, perhaps we should do a little self-inventory of how we spend our time.  Effective time management can be an elusive thing.  We can easily get caught up in the rush of activities in our daily routine, and before we know it, the day is done, and we feel as though we have run everywhere…yet accomplished nothing.  A farmer once reminded me "the most active chicken in the barnyard is the one who just had its head cut off."  Sometimes that sums up our days.  We are active for sure, but we are running without purpose or direction.   Ephesians 5:16 reminds us to redeem the time. In other words, be purposeful with each moment in your day.  Make them count for God and for good.  Let your days be filled with praise…because we won't get them back.  We only have one chance to make it count!

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